Physiofit invest in Insight Infrared Video Goggles
Our sense of balance depends on our eyes, inner ear, body and brain working together in harmony. This system is known as the vestibular system and is critical for balance, coordination, and movement and when it’s impaired, patients can experience spinning (vertigo), dizziness, falls, headaches and migraine. Problems may occur due to illness, infections, head injury, a period of immobility, medication and increasing age.
The symptoms can be very distressing including problems with balance and unsteadiness especially on turning corners and in the dark leading to a greater risk of falling and anxiety about going to busy visual environments, crowds or large open spaces. This can inevitably cause a loss of confidence or independence and the inability to enjoy hobbies, work or sporting activities.
At Physiofit we wanted our patients to have access to the best possible effective and efficient assessment and treatment of vestibular disorders so have recently become one of only a few centres to invest in some Vestibular First Insight Infra-red goggles which enable us for the first time to see eye movements that are often suppressed in room light. When the patient has the goggles on, light is blocked, and they can only see darkness and it changes their ability to fix their gaze on an object allowing accurate testing of their eye movements. A problem in the inner ear often can produce abnormal eye movements called nystagmus and so using the infrared cameras inside the goggles (one in front of each eye) we are able to see and record the tiniest of eye movements, which are projected onto a computer screen to allow the clinician to view the patient’s eyes via a computer screen.
At Physiofit, our assessment and treatment protocols are based upon sound evidence-based research and clinically proven techniques and are customised for each patient. A thorough, initial assessment is required to identify the type of dizziness you’re experiencing and to rule out non-vestibular causes first. By using the goggles in conjunction with other tests for balance and positional tests, we can tell much more easily and quickly if there is any abnormal eye movement and which ear is affected.
The temptation when you are experiencing dizziness is to avoid head movements which exacerbate the symptoms. However, avoiding movement delays recovery and so treatment is essential. Treatment is aimed at restoring normal function of the vestibular system by retraining the brain. Treatment programmes consist of education and advice to reassure you and help rebuild confidence. In addition, repositioning manoeuvres such as the Epley manoeuvre or an individually designed exercise program to encourage the central nervous system to speed up your recovery. For the most effective results it is imperative to get exercise programmes that are specific and are appropriate to the diagnosis. The more bespoke this balance training is to the individual, the better the results. The exercises will help to make the balance system less sensitive to any movements that make your symptoms worse and make you feels more stable.
Our specially trained Physiotherapist, Jean Thistleton has over 10 years of experience in treating people with conditions such as
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Vestibular neuritis
Vestibular migraine
Meniere’s disease
Acoustic Neuroma (pre and post-surgery)
If you would like to speak confidence to our vestibular physio, Jean about a vestibular condition or are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above please do feel free to contact her on or call us on 01625 590444